New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Photogrammetry Resources? - Gadgets180™

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New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Photogrammetry Resources?

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Ask HN: Photogrammetry Resources?
2 by NetOpWibby | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Hi everyone, I'm wondering if anyone is working on a photogrammetry SaaS or has self-hosted resources. What I want to do is take pictures of an object with my phone, have an app stitch them together to create a 3D object (for those who don't know what photogrammetry is). From my own research, I've found RealityScan from Unreal Engine but that ties you to using SKetchfab to export your 3D model. Meshroom by AliceVision looks enticing but they don't have a modern Mac release (due to Apple using their own chips and not Nvidia). Am I missing something?

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